We are a dual parish of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. In this dual parish we share in the one ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ to share the Gospel in our two unique communities. If you are visiting or passing through the Tecumseh, NE area or the Sterling, NE area, we hope that you will stop by and visit. If you have newly moved or about to move to our area, we would love it if you would consider joining us as your new church home.
Bible Memory Verse Challenge
Joint Announcements
Weather announcements In case of bad weather we will be using KOLN - 10/11 NOW, for any closing announcements, plus email and Facebook.
Immanuel Soup Luncheon Fundraiser will be February 23rd, serving from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Nebraska Lutherans for Life would like to invite students in grades 6-12 who are members of a Lutheran congregation or attend a Lutheran school in Nebraska to participate in this year’s Lutherans for Life Essay Contest, based on the 2025 Conference theme: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made with the Bible verse: “For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:13-14. One winner will be selected for grades 6-8 and one for grades 9-12. Winning entries (one from Grades 6-8 and one from Grades 9-12) will be awarded $100 each. The winning Nebraska essays will be entered in the national contest. Grand Prize for the national winning entry at each level will be $250 plus free conference registration to the 2025 National Conference and one night at a conference hotel. Second place national winners at each level will receive a $125 prize. Essays should, of course, be the students’ individual, original work, but pastors, teachers, and parents are encouraged to discuss the criteria on which the essays will be judged. The same criteria will be used at both the state and national levels. Please request a copy of the rules and judging criteria from Bob Saeger, Nebraska LFL president, at saeger001@windstream.net. Entries must be submitted electronically by March 15, 2025.
Lenten Devotions are on the back table.
Immanuel’s Announcements
The Women of Immanuel Invite Everyone: Please join us for fellowship and coffee in the back of church today and every Sunday after church.
Sign -up sheets for Immanuel’s Soup Luncheon fundraiser are on the back table. Two Thrivent cards have been approved, so most of the expenses are paid. Thank you for your help & support.
The Women of Immanuel will be having their monthly meeting today.
Sunday School kids will be singing next Sunday, February 23rd.
St. John’s Announcements
The Lutheran Witness renewal time is here. If you would like to continue receiving the subscription, please remit $20.65 to the church office. If you would like to add your name to the subscription list please talk to Deborah. Renewal is due by March 23rd.
Sign - up sheets for the March 30th Hot Beef Luncheon Fundraiser are also on the back round table. As this is now a mission fundraiser, help from every member is welcomed and appreciated.
2-4 inches of snow late tomorrow night through Tuesday afternoon
60798 Hwy 41, Sterling, NE 68443
(402) 866-6601
1260 Webster St., Tecumseh, NE 68450
(402) 335-3816