Thank you for visiting our website!

We are a dual parish of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. In this dual parish we share in the one ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ to share the Gospel in our two unique communities. If you are visiting or passing through the Tecumseh, NE area or the Sterling, NE area, we hope that you will stop by and visit. If you have newly moved or about to move to our area, we would love it if you would consider joining us as your new church home.


Week of July 28, 2024

Bible Memory Verse Challenge


Joint Announcements

Changes to The Lutheran Hour® broadcast are coming in our area. The program's final broadcast on WIBW 580 AM on Sundays will be July 21, 2024. An alternate listening option in our area is KCCV 760 AM at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays. To find other airings, visit The weekly broadcast of The Lutheran Hour is also available at, as a podcast, on Sirius XM Family Talk Channel 131 at 10 a.m. Eastern each Sunday, and through platforms like Spotify, iHeartRadio, YouTube, Dial-a-Podcast, and more.

Main Street Living July 28, 2024. KLKN Channel 8 (Lincoln) & WOWT Channel 6.2 (Omaha) Visit for more information.

Free Bible Archaeology Exhibit at the Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond, OK. Provided by Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology, Israel Antiquities Authority & others. Check out the flyers on the bulletin board or online at


Immanuel’s Announcements

Welcome We welcome Brooklyn Saltzgaber, daughter of Grant and Vanessa Saltzgaber, through the Rite of Holy Baptism into our church family. We pray the Lord’s blessing upon her as she joins our family of faith!

Thank you to all who helped with VBS last week as leaders, helpers and snack ladies. Thank you also to those who organized and provided pizza for the pool party.

Funeral for Darlene (Agena) Timmons will be Friday, August 2nd at 10:30 am. The ladies are asking for salads & desserts for the luncheon to follow. Please talk to Donna, Joyce or Patti with any questions.

Women of Immanuel will meet after church, Sunday, July 28th. Shirley Bartels is hostess.

Church Clean-up the Trustees have set Sunday, August 4th after church for our clean-up  day. We will be doing work outside and cleaning the church. Please dress for a work day and bring your favorite tools and supplies. This is in preparation for our 150 Anniversary celebration in September. If you can't be in church August 4th, there will be a book on the counter in the annex with jobs undone so you can still help out.

Women of Immanuel has a tote in the annex for their annual school supply collection to be shared with the Sterling & Freeman schools. Please bring your supplies by August 4th.


St. John’s Announcements

Meals on Wheels Thank you to all who have signed up. It is greatly appreciated by those we serve.

LCEF Investment Information is on the back round table with the letter that was sent to the church to encourage investments. Please take a leaflet if you are interested.



Upcoming Events

  July 2024  



9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Verse of the Day
Bible Search

Tecumseh, Nebraska

Thunderstorms, some heavy, Sunday night


91° 69°


Feels Like: 71°
Humidity: 81%
Wind: 5 MPH

91 69

95 71

100 73
Powered By AccuWeather
Immanuel Lutheran Church

60798 Hwy 41, Sterling, NE 68443
(402) 866-6601

St. John's Lutheran Church

1260 Webster St., Tecumseh, NE 68450
(402) 335-3816