We are a dual parish of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. In this dual parish we share in the one ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ to share the Gospel in our two unique communities. If you are visiting or passing through the Tecumseh, NE area or the Sterling, NE area, we hope that you will stop by and visit. If you have newly moved or about to move to our area, we would love it if you would consider joining us as your new church home.
Bible Memory Verse Challenge
Joint Announcements
Thank you to Pastor Philip Hannemann for filling in as Pastor Kohlmeyer and family are vacation.
Joint Council Meeting is October 9th at Immanuel, 7:00 pm. Those that should attend from each congregation are: Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Head Elders, Board of Ed (one person from each cong.) & Board of Evangelism (one person from each cong.).
St John and Immanuel Members -There is a sign-up sheet on the back table for anyone interested in participating in this year's Christmas Cantata. If you have any questions, please see Kevin. First Rehearsal is Sunday October 13th at 7:00pm. The performance is Sunday December 15th at 3:00pm.
Joint Bible Study & Worship Service will be October 27th at St. John’s. Bible study at 9:00 am with Karen Teideman giving a report on orphanage ministry. Worship with Holy Communion is at 10:00 am with potluck to follow. St. John members are asked to bring the main dishes and Immanuel members are asked to bring the desserts.
Church Newsletters are available in the back of both churches. Included is a monthly calendar for up coming events. This is also available on the church’s joint website - 2gatherinchrist.org
October is Church Worker Appreciation Month the Synod’s designated month for showing appreciation, in an intentional and unified way, to those who serve us through their faithfulness, dedication and skill. These dear workers bless us in a multitude of ways as they preach, teach and care for God’s people in body and soul. Take some time to thank your church workers, present and past, for their faithful service to the Church. Your church workers need prayer. Pray for these workers and let them know you are doing so. Also please pray to the Lord of the harvest for those future church workers whom God will raise up to fill these sacred and joyful roles in His Kingdom.
National Youth Gathering Registration for 2025 High School Youth Gathering in New Orleans July 19-23, 2025, opens in October! Registration Cost is $395/person until November 1, 2024. Registration costs will go up after that date. If you are interested in attending contact Pastor or visit 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering (lcmsgathering.com)
Immanuel’s Announcements
Voter’s meeting will be October 13th after the service.
Women of Immanuel will meet after church on October 20th. Joyce Moss is hostess.
Sunday School will currently be offered for Preschool - 5th grade due to the number of available teachers. We will not currently have a Middle school or high school class. We need teachers for the Middle School class, grades 6-8. If you have a student in the Middle school or High school, they may want to consider becoming a volunteer to help teach our current younger classes.
Meals on Wheels Immanuel has Meals on Wheels the first 4 weeks of October. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the annex.
St. John’s Announcements
Board of Education Members quick meeting with Pastor after church on Oct. 13th to plan a meeting time.
St. John’s Council Meeting is Wednesday, October 16th at 7:00 pm.
Voter’s meeting will be October 20th after the service.
Parking Lot Fund If you would like to help with costs, please use the green “Designated for” envelope in your envelope box and mark it for parking lot fund.
High winds today, with gusts past 35 mph
60798 Hwy 41, Sterling, NE 68443
(402) 866-6601
1260 Webster St., Tecumseh, NE 68450
(402) 335-3816